Memorial Session (December 5)
- Natalia Kielich-Buchowska (Poznań): Memories of Prof. Stanisław Kielich (invited talk)
- Ryszard Tanaś (Poznań): Memories of Prof. Stanisław Kielich
Sessions on Quantum Technologies (Nov 28)
and Nonlinear Optics (Dec 5)
- Shilan Ismael Abo (Poznań): Photon-phonon blockades
- Ievgen Arkhipov (Olomouc): Revealing nonclassicality of Gaussian states of light
- Karol Bartkiewicz (Poznań): Measuring distance between points in Hilbert space with photons
- Antonin Černoch (Olomouc): Beam-splitting tricks (invited talk)
- Grzegorz Chimczak (Poznań): Four-level diamond-type atom as a field-field coupler
- Izabela Domagalska (Zielona Góra): Influence of a charge asymmetry of cores on the physical state of the positively charged molecule ion
- Waldemar Głaz (Poznań): Ab initio vs model extended techniques of computing linear and nonlinear collisional polarizabilities in H2-H supermolecules
- Andrzej Grudka (Poznań): Time travel and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Krzysztof Grygiel (Poznań): Anomalous rotational diffusion in electric fields
- Kateřina Jiráková (Olomouc): Experimental counterfeiting of quantum money
- Joanna Kalaga (Zielona Góra): Generation of squeezed states in a quantum-chaotic system (invited talk)
- Marcin Karczewski (Poznań): Monogamy of Particle Statistics in Tripartite Systems Simulating Bosons and Fermions
- Anna Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk (Poznań): Photon blockade via squeezing
- Paweł Kurzyński (Poznań): Evolution of negative probability distributions
- Zakarya Lasmar (Poznań): On composite behaviour of complex quantum systems: sometimes entanglement needs to be backed by interaction
- Karel Lemr (Olomouc): Diagnosing quantum relays by means of collective entanglement witnesses (invited talk)
- Wiesław Leoński (Zielona Góra): Quantum steering in a system of three qubits – some remarks and findings (keynote talk)
- Adam Miranowicz (Poznań): Ultrastrong coupling of light and matter
- Mateusz Nowotarski (Zielona Góra): Entanglement properties of highly symmetric qudit states
- Małgorzata Paprzycka (Poznań): Raman spectroscopy in the investigation of proteins
- Jan Peřina, Jr. (Olomouc): Auto-ionization in the presence of a neighbor atom (keynote talk)
- Jan Soubusta (Olomouc):(invited talk)
- Ryszard Tanaś (Poznań): Violation of monogamy relations for negativity in a three-atom system (keynote talk)
- Vojtěch Trávníček (Olomouc): Experimental measurement of nonlinear entanglement witness by hyper-entangling two-qubit states
Magnonics and Metamaterials (December 5-6)
- Nandan Babu Kuttath Padi (Poznań): Magnons and phonons in CoFeB/Au multilayer structures
- Grzegorz Centała (Poznań): The effect of spin wave pinning on FMR frequency in periodic structures
- Gabriel D. Chaves-O’Flynn (Poznań): Thermal Stability of Soft Ferromagnetic Nanorings
- Emerson Coy (Poznań): High temperature magneto dielectric thin films with low magnetic damping (invited talk)
- Hubert Głowiński (Poznań): Magnetization damping in polycrystalline CoFe films
- Piotr Graczyk (Poznań): Electric-field-driven enhancement of magnetization dynamics in magnetoelectric heterostructures (invited talk)
- Batłomiej Graczykowski (Poznań): Elastic properties of few nanometers thick membranes (invited talk)
- Paweł Gruszecki (Poznań): Reflection of spin wave beams
- Konstanin V. Guslienko (San Sebastian): Magnetic skyrmion stability and dynamics (keynote talk)
- Jarosław W. Kłos (Poznań): Hartman effect for spin waves in exchange regime
- Dominika Kuźma (Kraków): Modeling of configuration switching in systems of macrospins
- Filip Lisiecki (Poznań): Reprogrammability and scalability of magnonic Fibonacci quasicrystals (invited talk)
- Igor L. Lyubchanskii (Donetsk): Goos-Haenchen effect at Brillouin light scattering (keynote talk)
- Szymon Mieszczak (Poznań): Driving magnetization dynamics in an on-demand magnonic crysta
- Justyna Rychły (Poznań): Theoretical studies of spin wave dynamics in planar magnonic quasicrystals
- Paweł Sobieszczyk (Kraków): Magnetization reversal mechanisms in nanopatterned thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
- Krzysztof Szulc (Poznań): Magnetization reversal in the array of nanobars
- Żaneta Świątkowska-Warkocka (Kraków): Laser synthesis of composite magnetic particles
- Vasily V. Temnov (Le Mans): Nonlinear magneto-plasmonics and Wood’s anomaly probed by magnetic second-harmonic generation (keynote talk)
- Aleksandra Trzaskowska (Poznań): Periodic nanostructures investigated using BLS
- Vishal Vashistha (Poznań): Light channeling, bending and splitting via local modification of interfaces of a photonic-crystal slab
- Maciej Wiesner (Poznań): Can surface plasmons break symmetry in topological insulators and graphene?
- Miłosz Zdunek (Poznań): Investigation of magnons and phonons by BLS in bilayer substituted YIG samples
- Mateusz Zelent (Poznań): Controlled motion of skyrmions in magnonic antidot lattices
- Piotr Zieliński (Kraków): Is a discontinuous phase transition of second order possible in magnetic systems? (keynote talk)