Sessions on Quantum Technologies (Nov 28)
Sessions on Nonlinear Optics,
Magnonics and Metamaterials (December 5-6)
Authors: N. K. P. Babu1, A. Trzaskowska1, S. Mielcarek1, H. Głowiński2,
P. Kuświk2, F. Stobiecki2 , M. Zdunek1, P. Graczyk1, J. W. Kłos1, M. Krawczyk1
Affiliations:Title: Dispersion relations of magnons and phonons in CoFeB/Au multilayer structures with two different geometries
1. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznan, Poland
2. Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60-179 Poznań, PolandAbstract: Experiments with multilayered CoFeB materials are of particular interest owing to their numerous number of applications in spintronics and magnonics. We determine the dispersion relation of thermal magnons and phonons which exist in the multilayered sample using Brillouin light scattering (High contract TFP2) spectroscopy in CoFeB/Au multilayer deposited on silicon substrate with Ti and Au layers. In the backward scattering geometry and the new geometry (45 degree between BV-DE) , the dispersion relations of magnons and phonons are determined for different values of the magnetic field. Two kinds of surface phonons are observed: Rayleigh and Sezawa waves. The dispersion branches of phonons and magnons are intersect each other. The finite element method (FEM) is used for interpretation of the experimental results.
This work was supported by National Science Centre of Poland Grant No. UMO-2016/21/B/ST3/00452 and the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 644348 (MagIC).
- Authors: B. Graczykowski1,2, M. Sledzinska3, J.S. Reparaz3, M.R. Wagner3, A. El Sachat3, F. Alzina3 and C.M. Sotomayor Torres3,4
Affiliations:Title: Thermal Transport Engineering by Silicon Phononic Crystal Membranes
1. NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 85, PL-61614 Poznan, Poland
2. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128, Mainz ,Germany
3. Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), CSIC and BIST, Campus UAB, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain
4. ICREA – Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats, 08010 Barcelona, SpainAbstract: The heat transport is one of the fundamental issues of the basic research and everyday technological applications. The need for the heat management arises from new challenges brought by the quest of the continuous miniaturization. Therefore, easily manageable, cost efficient and environment friendly materials for heat and sound control are highly attractive for numerous applications in nanotechnology, telecommunication and energy harvesting. The project aims to develop new materials, establish comprehensive understanding and ability to measure and control high frequency phonons at the nanoscale propagating in nano-structured silicon. The project is built on three pillars: silicon based nano-fabrication, investigation of phonon propagation and thermal transport by means of inelastic light scattering. We prove that the heat transport in silicon can be engineered by means of sub-micrometre porous thin free-standing membranes. Tunable thermal properties make these structures good candidates for integrated heat management units such as waste heat recovery, rectification or efficient heat dissipation.- Authors: N. N. Dadoenkova1,2, Y. S. Dadoenkova1,2, I. S. Panyaev1, D. G. Sannikov1, M. Krawczyk 3, J.W.Kłos3, I. L. Lyubchanskii2,4
Affiliations:Title: Electromagnetic waves in multiperiodic layered structures
1. Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia
2. Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
3. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań, Poland
4. Faculty of Physics, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, UkraineAbstract: We investigate the transmittivity spectra of the electromagnetic waves propagating in a one-dimensional (1D) dielectric photonic crystals of types [(AB)NC]M [1] and [(AB)N(CD)M]K composed of three and four different materials A, B, C, and D. The photonic structures are characterized by two and three periods formed by unit cells (AB)NC and (AB)N(CD), respectively, where N, M, and K are the unit cell numbers.
[1] N.N. Dadoenkova, Y. S. Dadoenkova, I. S. Panyaev, D.G. Sannikov, and I. L. Lyubchanskii. J. Appl. Phys. 123, 043101 (2018).
- Authors: S. Mamica1, M. Krawczyk1 and D. Grundler2
Affiliations:Title: Non-uniform softening of spin waves in two-dimensional magnonic crystals as a tool for a reversible tuning of omnidirectional band gaps
1. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
2. Institut des Matériaux, Faculté Sciences et Technique de l’Ingénieur, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, SwitzerlandAbstract: The change of the external magnetic field at low fields leads to the non-uniform shift of spin waves (SWs) frequencies [1]. The non-uniformity refers to two different effects: different shift for different modes and/or k-dependent shift within the single mode. In this work, we study the mechanisms of both types of non-uniform shift in two-dimensional (2D) magnonic crystals (MCs). We address these features to the growing influence of the demagnetizing field combined with the spin wave profile of the mode. We show that the non-uniform mode softening can be utilized to the reversible control of band gaps just by changing of the external magnetic field magnitude. We propose 2D MCs, with the structure feasible for the experimental realization with the current technology, for which the SW spectrum exhibits omnidirectional band gaps with a different sensitivity of the gap width to the external field magnitude.
Financial support: the EU’s Horizon 2020 RISE GA No. 644348 (MagIC), the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education resources for science in 2017-2019 granted for the realization of an international co-financed project (W28/H2020/2017), and the National Science Centre of Poland under grant No. UMO-2016/21/B/ST3/00452.
[1] J. Topp et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 104 (2010) 207205. F. Montoncello et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 104 (2014) 242407.- Author: J. Rychły
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, PoznańTitle: Spin waves propagation along the stripes of 1D magnonic crystals and Fibonacci quasicrystals in the backward volume configurationAbstract: 1D magnonic crystals and magnonic Fibonacci quasicrystals in the form of sequences of infinitely long stripes, magnetically saturated by the external magnetic field directed along the stripe axis have been theoretically studied. The frequency spectrum of spin wave eigenmodes and their spatial profiles in dependence on the value of the wave vector for propagation along the stripes – k would be presented. With the increase of k, the frequencies of spin waves are decreasing while the spin wave bands are widening.- Authors: V. Vashistha, A.E. Serebryannikov, M. Krawczyk
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, PoznańTitle: All dielectric Si nanoresonator based color filtersAbstract: Pigments based color filters absorbed the certain spectrum of light and reflect the remaining portion of light. These kind of color printing have low resolution, thicker in size and degradable with time. Plasmonics based color printing can be treat as solution, where light interact with nanostructure at subwavelength scale. Certain portion of light is reflected based on the size and periodicity of artificially designed nano structures. Recently, many new results have been reported regarding the theoretical aspects and practical implementation of the concept of plasmonics based printing. Most of them are related to the nanostructures containing metallic components. The most recent trend is the use of dielectric nanoantennas, which may enable high-quality colors. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate high-quality colors obtained by using arrays of cross-shaped Si nanoantennas. Functionality and characteristics achieved with the aid of symmetric and asymmetric nanoantennas are compared. Si nanoantennas typically show two strong resonances: electric and magnetic dipole ones. They can be tuned by adjusting the size and shape of the nanoantennas throughout the whole visible spectrum.- Authors: N.R. Vovk1,2, M. Jaščur2
Affiliations:Title: Complex theory of localized magnetic systems
1. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq. 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2. Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, 041 80, Šrobárova 1014/2, 040 01 KošiceAbstract: Main motivation in this work was to create the complex theory of localized magnetic systems by extension the spin-1 Blume Capel model with inclusion of phonon and elastic contributions. Based on the approach which was proposed by Jaščur et al. in [1-2] and further investigated in [3-4]. Such a model is more realistic then the original version of Blume-Capel model.[1] T. Balcerzak, K. Szalowski, M. Jaščur, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 42
[2] T. Balcerzak, K. Szalowski, M. Jaščur, J. Appl. Phys. 116 (2014) 043508
[3] T. Balcerzak, K. Szalowski, M. Jaščur, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 426 (2017) 310
[4] T. Balcerzak, K. Szalowski, M. Jaščur, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 445 (2018) 110- Authors: M. Zelent1, P. Gruszecki1, M. Mailian2, O. Yu. Gorobest2,3, Yu. I. Gorobest3, M. Krawczyk1
Affiliations:Title: Spin waves collimation using flat metasurface
1. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Umultowska 85, Poznan, 61-614, Poland
2. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, 37 Peremogy Avenue, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
3. Institute of Magnetism, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 36-b Vernadskogo Street, Kyiv, 03142, UkraineAbstract: Control of the phase of propagating SWs is expected to be one of the key element in future magnonics like it is in microwave technology, electronics, and photonics. The focusing of plane spin waves propagating in a thin ferromagnetic film by designed phase-shift on a metasurface formed by the ultranarrow interface was studied. We exploited the strength of the interlayer exchange coupling interactions of RKKY type which allows to control the phase of the transmitted spin waves in the wide range of angles -π to +π. We combined the phase-shift dependency along the interface with the lens equation to demonstrate numerically the lens for spin waves based on this ultra-narrow metasurface.- Authors: M. Zdunek1, A. Trzaskowska1, S. Mielcarek1, A. Khrebtov2, Yu. Semenova2, Nandan K. P. Babu1, P. Graczyk1, J. W. Kłos1, M. Krawczyk1
Affiliations:Title: Magnons and phonons BLS investigations in bilayer substituted YIG samples in different temperatures
1. Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznan, Poland
2. Institute of Magnetism, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine,36-b Vernadsky Blvd., Kyiv 03142, UkraineAbstract: Brillouin light scattering (BLS) method was used to determine the dispersion relation of thermal magnons and phonons existing in two layered sample. Two magnetic layers were grown on the monocrystalline gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate: the bottom layer (GdLu)3(FeGa)5O12 characterised by in plane (easy plane) magnetization direction and the top layer (YBiLuSmGd)3(FeGa)5O12 with magnetization direction out of plane (easy axis) [1]. The monodomenization of the first and then the second magnetic layer was caused by the applied magnetic fields. In the backward scattering geometry, the dispersion relation of thermal magnons and phonons were determined for different values of magnetic field and different values of sample temperature. The obtained dispersion dependencies indicate the dependence of spin wave number on the degree of sample monodomenization. A hybridization of the dispersive relation of spin wave and surface acoustic waves was also observed. The finite element method (FEM) was used for interpretation of the experimental results [2,3].
This work was supported by National Science Centre of Poland Grant No. UMO – 016/21/B/ST3/00452 and the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 644348 (MagIC).
[1] Yu. I. Dzhezherya, A. O. Khrebtov, D. P. Azarkh and S. P. Kruchinin, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32, 1840034 (2018)
[2] P. Graczyk, J. Kłos and M. Krawczyk, Physical Review B 95, 104425 (2017)
[3] A. Trzaskowska, S. Mielcarek, M. Wiesner J. Appl. Phys., 116, 214303 (2014) - Authors: B. Graczykowski1,2, M. Sledzinska3, J.S. Reparaz3, M.R. Wagner3, A. El Sachat3, F. Alzina3 and C.M. Sotomayor Torres3,4